Here you'll find the answers to some of our most commonly asked questions from our students, prospective students and applicants. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact us on campus, online or by the phone.

West Herts College FAQs

  • What happens when I apply?
    You will receive a notification letting you know we have received your application, then you will be invited in for a Course Introduction Meeting where you can meet your tutors and classmates, as well as getting to know a bit more about the course.

  • What if I missed the open day?
    Keep an eye on our events page for news of the next open day. You can also take a 360 tour, get your questions answered and apply online.

  • Can I do more than one BTEC?
    A BTEC Extended Diploma is the equivalent to 3 A Levels, so you will already have your hands full with just the one! You will also be working on your English and maths skills and completing work experience too.

  • Can I go to university with a BTEC?
    Yes, absolutely! An advanced BTEC is the equivalent to 3 A Levels and a Distinction in your chosen course can add up to 168 UCAS points (according to the new tariff).

  • Does the College help with work experiences?
    The College offers GAP experiences, which place students in work experience where they will be busy completing tasks and projects. Some courses also incorporate work experience in to the study programme.

  • What is Clearing?
    Clearing is how universities and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses. Find more info here

  • HE at West Herts College?
    Our Foundation degrees and HNDs offer the most affordable HE options available. We offer small class sizes and fantastic facilities.

  • Do I have to pay to study at WHC?
    If you are under 19, it is free to study with us on a full-time FE course. If you are over 19, Student Support can still help with the cost of your course - please visit the Financial Support page for more info.